

Aaron Sparks Bugaj

Aaron Sparks Bugaj bridges 10 years of Earth Science research with his grounded design sense. In the sciences, Aaron has worked with the NOAA Marine Fisheries Service on the Bering Sea, the Ted Schurr Ecosystem Dynamics Lab in Denali National Park, Alaska, and Biosphere 2, the largest earth science laboratory experiment in the world. In the digital design space, Aaron's clients have included: University of Arizona, Harvard University, Desert Living LLC., Cutting Edge Ceramics, Scottsdale Providence Recovery, Small Acts LLC, and the Karl Wolfe Community. In 2018, Aaron founded the Biosphere 2 Media Lab, a media studio specializing in narrative documentary style storytelling, web design, stop-motion animation, and podcast interviews that communicate the stories of scientific research to a global audience. In just over a year, the Bisophere 2 Media Lab has secured over 20k in funding and has produced over 15 videos, 6 webinars, and a growing podcast, Biosphere 2 Podcast, which Aaron hosts. The Biosphere 2 Podcast has reached 36 countries thusfar.